I’ve been seeing lots of “New Year’s Resolution” stuff on social media and the interwebs lately. No big surprise during the last weeks of the year. But once again, I find myself grumbling at the wave of (what i think is) unrealistic goal setting and expectations, wrapped in cloaks of personal growth. It’s not that I’m against reflection, planning, and intention setting; I’m all for them. Absolutely. But resolutions? I hate ’em. Why? Statistics prove that they rarely work. That’s because we’re often looking for miracles and quick fixes to situations that we’ve created over years of habit, all-or-nothing thinking, and a belief that one day we might just “get there” … to a longed for end-goal that is unchanging. Goals like: Get organized Lose weight/get fit Improve my financial literacy/security Expand my business Create an amazing relationship (or improve the one i’m in) Travel more Any of those static? unchanging? completely under your control? Nope. (duh) Because all those things are fluid; processes. Yet so many look at the turning of the new year and think: Tomorrow will be different. Tomorrow I get a clean slate. Tomorrow I’ll do what I have yet to do. Tomorrow is magic. It’s not. You […]
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