I woke up this morning prepared to write a different blog post. But then I checked in on social media and saw friends and colleagues sharing stories and recollections from September 11, 2001. I noticed how the stories that are being shared now – so many years later – seem to be the ones from people who were most “directly impacted” by the events of that day: people who lost a family member or close friend; those who didn’t get to work on time or missed a plane; people who were first responders or who were near the World Trade Center or the Pentagon that morning. These stories are still being shared, but others, less so. I wonder if, in the face of the huge losses and emotional toll of others, we think we don’t have a story to tell. Are we comparing our experiences to those who had it worse, and thinking our stories don’t matter when weighed against the others? Stop that. Seriously. Stop. When something happens to you (whether we’re talking about the events of september 11, 2001, or some other tragedy, challenge or devastation) – when your world is rocked, it is rocked. There will ALWAYS be someone who has it harder than you, […]
The post every story matters – tell yours appeared first on Deb Cooperman.