Today marks 11 years since my mother died. Sometimes I’ll forget the name of a song, or the trick she used to get candle wax out of tablecloths, and I’ll reach for the phone. That’s when it feels like it was just yesterday. Other times, when I think about how my brother’s oldest barely remembers her…and the twins? She’s a woman holding them in photos, and stories they hear. And I think about how she never met the hubster; didn’t see me in my old job at the Theatre Alliance, much less finally making a go of this business-dream of mine full-time. That’s when it feel like it’s way longer than 11 years. (eleven) I’ve written so many things about her since that day – some here, some on my old blog; some in the circles with the Writer Babes, some privately, in my journals. And while I kept meaning to write something new for today, it seems that most of the writing about Mom is just for me now; not necessarily for bloggy consumption. So, instead, since I didn’t share this video here or on social media after reading it for New Jersey’s inaugural production of Listen to Your Mother (not really sure why. i might have to write a while to get […]
The post eleven appeared first on Deb Cooperman.